Retreat Facilitation

I can be a retreat teacher, facilitator, speaker at your event.

I am available on short notice if there is a late minute cancellation of your speaker / facilitator.

I have experience facilitating small group prayer and share meetings for pastors and short three day retreats at a cottage for a small group of pastors.

Some topics:

Feedback from pastor's retreats:

"Each retreat has its own flavour and has been a great mix of stimulating thought, inner healing, rest and prayer."  (Rev. Paul White)

Our pastor's retreats "have been a journey into how we can be a community of life in an otherwise hostile environment." (Rev. Andy Leroux)

Rev. Terry McKenna on the pastor's retreat says: "On our recent retreat, George served us well in that he facilitated all participants to offer helpful feedback toward those who shared in depth."

Feedback from Scotland Teaching Mission:

Its been so encouraging watching Jesus transform lives through your prayer ministry. Its been so well received within the congregation and brought healing and freedom. I can also testify to it. Enjoyed having you. Come again soon.
Helen, Saltcoats, Scotland.

George has brought to life in me the freedom I experienced at salvation, but have lost over the years - freedom to be me, to dare to trust God, to feature (be a partner) in this relationship with God prominently, to experience heaven here.  I have experienced an awakening and a realization that we are always being reborn. Its not a one of.  Hallelujah!
Liz of Saltcoats, Scotland

I am grateful for learning a practical, tangible way of getting in touch with God and hearing from Him. God does speak and does change your life.
Claire, Saltcoats, Scotland.

Discovering how to get God's Word from your head to your heart, in a few easy steps of praying and listening to God, was great. And is something I will do with any other experience that keeps me bound.
Jesus is the key, but, now, I have been shown how to use it; and open the door to my life, which I had kept well locked up under lock and key.
Katie :-) Stevenston, Scotland

George's visit has resulted in a breakthrough in who I am in Christ and where I am heading. The classes have been very beneficial and I would recommend it to anyone. May the Lord keep working in and with George. God bless,
Matthew, Saltcoats, Scotland.

Meeting George, and experiencing his Listening Prayer Therapy, has brought healing and balance to my inner life, my relationship with Jesus and my perception of who I am.
Your healing ministry has touched us all and many lives will never be the same. I can only say "Thank you Lord, and come back soon, George."
Francis, Androssan, Scotland




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Agape Christian Counselling, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

 Phone: (416) 234-1850

George Hartwell M.Sc.

 Text: (416) 939-0544

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